CIPEL's 4th action plan is structured around three main strategic axes, 12 themes and 29 actions
ACTION PLAN 2021-2030
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Ensuring that all institutional and civil society players are informed, committed and willing to contribute is an important condition for success in achieving the action plan's objectives.
Keeping civil society well-informed will enable them to better understand the issues involved in preserving the waters of Lake Geneva, as well as helping them to better understand the situation and the actions to be taken throughout the CIPEL territory. To this end, CIPEL intends to organize regular meetings with civil society and develop synergies.
A key player in the future of water is young people. Young people are concerned and involved, and need a clear understanding and in-depth knowledge if they are to have a positive impact on the future of Lake Geneva. Young people are also a key channel through which families can disseminate knowledge and encourage behavioral change in favor of water conservation.
CIPEL wants to develop mechanisms that encourage and strengthen young people's action for the future of Lake Geneva, as well as the popularization of scientific knowledge.
Thanks to a regular, rigorous and frequent monitoring program set up by CIPEL over 50 years ago, Lake Geneva is an international benchmark for studying the evolution of lake systems.
To raise public awareness of the state of health of Lake Geneva, a pedagogical project will involve adapting and explaining concepts linked to the functioning of the lake (water mixing, period of clear water, etc.) as well as scientific knowledge concerning the physico-chemical and biological evolution of the lake, in order to make them understandable and accessible to the general public.

ACTION PLAN 2021-2030

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