surf the line

The Alpine Lakes Observatory Information System (SI-OLA) makes available a large amount of raw data on Lake Geneva, produced by the INRA CARRTEL laboratory in Thonon-les-Bains in collaboration with CIPEL.

Requests for this data (free of charge) can be made by registering on the SI-OLA website.

List of data available on SI-OLA

Multiparameter probe

  • Temperature-corrected pH
  • Oxygen saturation corrected by winkler
  • Turbidity
  • Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon
  • Brightness in the water
  • Phycocyanin
  • Percentage of oxygen at saturation
  • Raw pH
  • Light transmission
  • Conductivity at 25 °C
  • Brightness in the air
  • Chlorophyll a
  • Oxygen in mg
  • Temperature
  • Oxygen in mg corrected by winkler

Primary production

  • Primary production per hour
  • Primary production by actual incubation time
  • Primary production by middle third


  • Number of cells per ml
  • Number of fields counted
  • Biovolume of species in sample
  • Number of objects counted
  • Number of objects per ml


  • Number of individuals


  • Chlorophyll c
  • Carotenoid
  • Chlorophylle a scor-unesco
  • Pheopigments
  • Chlorophylle a strickland-parsons

Physical chemistry

  • Gross conductivity
  • Chlorides
  • Temperature
  • Dissolved oxygen
  • Sodium
  • Suspended matter
  • Full alkalinity
  • Nitric nitrogen
  • Nitrous nitrogen
  • Particulate organic carbon
  • Calcium
  • pH
  • Ammoniacal nitrogen
  • Total organic carbon
  • Dissolved organic carbon
  • Particulate organic nitrogen
  • Total phosphorus
  • Phosphorus ortho
  • Total nitrogen
  • Total filtered phosphorus
  • Particulate phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Sulfates
  • Reactive silica
  • Magnesium

Sampling conditions

  • Water appearance
  • Wind speed
  • Appreciation of time
  • Air temperature
  • Transparency with INRA disc
  • Water color
  • Wind direction
  • Sunshine
  • Atmospheric pressure on boat
  • Cloud cover
  • Water surface condition
  • Transparency with Secchi disk
surf the line